Shropshire Council

Mainstream School Transport Ages 5-16

If applying on SEN grounds for transport, please see Education travel assistance - SEN pupils

Data Protection & Terms and Conditions

Shropshire Council will use the information you provide for the purpose of processing your child's transport entitlement request. It will be retained for a maximum of 6 years, from the receipt of this application.

You will receive written notification from the School Transport Team regarding the outcome of this application. Entitled pupils will receive a copy of the code of conduct which must be adhered to. You must contact us immediately if any of your details provided on this application change. Here you can find the full Free School Transport guidance notes.

Consent for storing submitted data (you must tick yes to complete the form). I have read and understood the data protection and terms and conditions*

Parent/Guardian/Carer details



You can apply for either free school transport at a community school or school transport assistance on denominational (religious) grounds Please state the type of application *:

In order to be eligible to receive free school transport the following criteria must normally be met:

  • The pupil must be ordinarily resident in Shropshire
  • The pupil must be in attendance at either the nearest, or catchment area school and live more than 2 miles away (for primary aged pupils) or 3 miles away (for secondary aged pupils). Distances are measured using the shortest pedestrian route between the home and school.

If your child is of secondary school age (aged 11-16, school year 7 to 11) and you are in receipt of free school meals or the maximum level of Working Tax Credit you may have an additional entitlement to transport assistance.

I wish to apply for transport to the named school which is one of the three nearest qualifying schools and is over 2 miles but no more than 6 miles from our address: *
I am registered with the Authority/school as eligible for free school meals (we will check relevant records to confirm that this is the case): *
I am in receipt of the maximum level of Working Tax Credit and can provide a copy of my latest Tax Credit Award Notice (form TC602) when requested: *

Pupil Details

Gender: *        


School and route details

Do you have any other children under your guardianship at same school? *

Emergency contacts

Please provide details of two contacts that you would like us to call in the event of an emergency.


Is there anything more we need to know?

I confirm that the information I have provided is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if any information I have supplied is found to be intentionally false in order to gain travel assistance, that travel assistance may be revoked.